Conscience Symposium on Open Drug Discovery
Registration is open for the second annual Conscience Symposium on Open Drug…
Fresh off the Press: CONP Ethics and Governance work published in GigaScience
We’re excited to share the CONP’s latest paper published in GigaScience, “Open…
EEGNet Platform Launch Technical Preview
Registration is now open to attend the public beta launch of the…
Fresh off the press: recent publications about the CONP and the CONP Portal
You can now read about the multi-faceted approach the CONP is taking…
CONP at OHBM 2023 in Montreal – July 23-26
Attending OHBM in Montreal? Come visit our exhibitor booth in the post…
Winners of the 2023 Neuro Open Science Internal Awards
The Tanenbaum Open Science Institute unveiled a new series of internal awards…
Post-ISMRM Highlights Party and MRathon
Highlights PartyJune 8, 2023, after the ISMRM closing ceremonyThe Don on Danforth15…
CONP Scientist Agâh Karakuzu awarded Neuro Open Science Prize
Earlier this month, the awardees of The Neuro Irv and Helga Cooper…
The CONP, The Neuro, TOSI, and the Douglas Research Centre sign DORA
Together with our partners The Neuro, TOSI, and the Douglas Research Centre,…
Towards Open Science: Research Ethics Best Practices – Tools and Resources
The Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform (CONP), in collaboration with the Tanenbaum Open…
Research Spotlight
Take an in-depth look at the Open Science work our CONP Scholars…
CONP Webinar: Towards Open Science: Research Ethics Best Practices
Speaker: Alexander Bernier
Thursday, March 31, 20223:00 pm EDT
Click to Register…