CONP goes to Force11 in Montreal

Last year, members of the CONP communications committee attended the FORCE2018 meeting in Montreal. The event was organised by FORCE11, a community whose primary goal is to help facilitate the change toward improved knowledge creation and sharing. This was a great opportunity to meet with a global group of researchers and other stakeholders interested in open scholarship, open science and discuss CONP and other initiatives of open research.

Committee co-chair Nikola Stikov  spoke on issue of reproducibility and how the CONP platform aims to tackle this issue. Instead of acting as a replacement to traditional journal publishing, Nikola described how the CONP initiative will produce a complementary publication focused on analytical reproducibility and sharing. You can see slides from his presentation on Zenodo.

Rachel Harding, also a co-chair of the communications committee, presented a poster on the efforts of her organisation to facilitate open lab notebook practises with a call to action for others to join the Structural Genomics Consortium in this effort. Rachel won an award for her poster presentation!

Communications committee members Paolo Leone and Rachel both took the opportunity to connect with other FORCE2018 conference attendees to discuss different open science and scholarship projects.

They were lucky to talk with Naomi Penfold and Daniela Saderi, Jason Priem, Annabel Seyller, Kristen Ratan, and Vincent Lariviere about their views on open scholarship and open research which you can find below.

Members of the CONP team are looking forward to reconnecting with the Force11 team in 2019 to update the community on the progress of CONP.

Naomi Penfold and Daniela Saderi

Open science is – responsible, collaborative, joyous AND should be the default

– Naomi Penfold and Daniela Saderi

Open science is – collaboration, acceleration, impact

– Annabel Seyller and Rachel Harding

Jason Priem

Open science is – democratic, systemic, transformative

– Jason Priem

Kristen Ratan

Open science is fast, reusable and transparent

– Kristen Ratan

Open science is – ethical, efficient, better.

Vincent Lariviere