The Krembil Centre for Neuroinformatics is excited to host Dr. Marta Garrido for this month’s Speaker Series on Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 5 to 6pm EST. Please join us and forward along!
Topic: From sensory prediction errors to computational psychiatry
Speaker: Associate Professor Dr. Marta Garrido leads the Cognitive Neuroscience and Computational Psychiatry Laboratory at the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, at The University of Melbourne, and is Chief Investigator in the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Integrative Brain Function. Marta received her PhD in 2008 from University College London and did postdocs at University California Los Angeles and back at University College London. In 2013 she moved to the Queensland Brain Institute, at the University of Queensland, on a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award where she later established her independent laboratory. In mid 2019 the lab moved to the University of Melbourne. Marta’s team uses a combination of brain imaging techniques and computational modelling to understand the neural underpinnings of learning and decision making both in typical individuals as well as in people with psychiatric disorders.
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The Krembil Centre for Neuroinformatics