Date(s) - 29/04/2019 - 30/04/2019
All Day
Royal Canadian Military Institute
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The organizers of the First Annual CONP Meeting are looking forward to seeing you on April 29 and 30, 2019 at the Royal Canadian Military Institute (RCMI) in Toronto, Canada. The Annual Meeting will serve as an opportunity for CONP Committees and Scholars to present their work to date and plans for the future.
The CONP and local meeting organizers are thrilled to welcome over 70 open neuroscience specialists from all across Canada at the Royal Canadian Military Institute in the coming week. The goal of the CONP is to bring together a multi-disciplinary group of researchers, developers, and policy experts from across Canada to present and exchange breakthrough ideas related to open neuroscience that can be applied both fundamentally and in daily practice.
The First Annual Meeting will feature recent outstanding achievements in the development of a gateway platform technology for the discovery and distribution of open datasets, analytical tools, training resources, best practices in data governance, and the communication of scholarly results. An important highlight of the CONP meeting will be Scholar participation in the form of presentations from trainees who are working closely with CONP partners across Canada. In sum, I hope you will find that the meeting offers a rich opportunity to learn from each other and to build the relationships that allow the Canadian neuroscience community to grow.
We have developed an information-packed meeting program (attached) that features presentations by the CONP committee Chairs and committee members, presentations by representative CONP Scholars, as well as engaging breakout discussion topics. Download Here