Ethan Kim


I am a master’s student at the University of Toronto under the supervision of Dr. Leon French at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. I did my undergrad at the University of Toronto as well, double majoring in Neuroscience and Molecular Biology. Our lab is interested in integrating datasets to gain insight into the neurobiology of psychiatric disorders.

Research Project

The cerebral cortex has a distinct six-layered structure. Using multiple open datasets, we will create an online tool to visualize and examine gene expression across these layers in the human and primate brain. We will also test for enrichment of specific molecular functions and disease-associated genes to better understand the roles of each layer.

Check out Ethan’s presentation of his CONP project in a short talk entitled “LaminaRGeneVis: a tool to visualize gene expression across the laminar architecture of the human neocortex”.