CONP – Nikola Stikov and Bartha Knoppers on Open Science

In this podcast Nikola Stikov talks to Bartha Knoppers, chair of the CONP Ethics and Governance Committee

Language: English
Length: 17 mins

Time Description
Nikola introduces Bartha Knoppers, director of the Center of Genomics and Policy at McGill University, Canada Research Chair in Law and Medicine, and chair of the CONP committee on ethics and governance.
The role of the CONP ethics and governance committee is to facilitate data sharing in a governed way that protects privacy: ‘I see open science as supporting discovery science by creating infrastructures for data sharing.’
The reasons why Canada needs to work with other countries to promote open science.
Privacy, publication policy and intellectual property need to be put in the context of open science.
‘You need to have clear and transparent conditions and informed consent. Citizens understand that science does not advance without participation.’
Canada situates itself in the middle of the range of approaches to personal privacy.
Should people be scared about their privacy? ‘We’re so busy protecting privacy, but they’re out putting everything on social media.’
Bartha studied surrealist poetry before moving on to law. In 2017 she gave the Galton lecture, in which she draws on her experiences with surrealist art to tackle the most burning ethical issues of today: