Agâh Karakuzu

Twitter : @agahkarakuzu

I am a PhD candidate under the supervision of Prof. Nikola Stikov at the NeuroPoly Lab., based at the Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal. Before joining the NeuroPoly Lab., I have received my undergraduate and masters degrees in Biomedical Engineering, where I found opportunity to apply multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods for studying in-vivo physiology. The more involved I got in the methodological aspects of my work, the more I realized how vast variety of MRI methods and implementations can affect scientific interpretations. This realization gradually turned into a motivation for me to explore the ways of unifying MRI methods that can provide more than just an image, which is perfectly aligned with the grand vision of my current research lab. Besides academic work, I am an active science communication contributor for MRM Highlights and OHBM blog

My research project focuses on the standardization of quantitative MRI (qMRI) applications. The first piece of this puzzle is to bring qMRI post-processing implementations under one umbrella through open software development and community building ( The next part is the focus of my CONP scholarship: to create vendor-neutral transparent qMRI workflows, beginning at the scanner console and extending all the way to publication. 

An introduction to NeuroLibre by Agâh Karakuzu (Ph.D. candidate, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal) and Elizabeth DuPre (Ph.D. candidate, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University)