NeuroImaging Carpentry “Lunch & Learn”


A collective of researchers from several Canadian universities and institutions has developed a series of Neuroimaging lessons under The Carpentries Incubator, meant to teach students fundamental skills that contribute to reproducible brain science. For three consecutive Fridays starting on the 28th of May, 2021 (please see the schedule below), the first of these lessons, namely Introduction to working with MRI data and BIDS with Python, Structural NeuroImaging Analysis in Python, and Working with EEG-BIDS in EELAB (Matlab) will be taught live online.  

Date and Time NeuroImaging Lesson
Friday, May 28, 11:00-13:30 EDT
Introduction to working with MRI data and BIDS with Python
Friday, June 4, 11:00-13:30 EDT
Structural Neuroimaging Analysis in Python
Friday, June 11, 11:00-13:30 EDT
Working with EEG-BIDS in EEGLAB (Matlab)

Some familiarity with Python is helpful for the first two lessons (Introduction to working with MRI data and BIDS with Python and Structural NeuroImaging Analysis in Python). Introductions to Python can be found in such lessons as Software Carpentry’s Plotting and Programming in Python and Programming with Python.

How to sign up

Please follow this link for additional details and to sign up for one or more of these upcoming lessons:


Erin Dickie (CAMH, University of Toronto)

Jerrold Jeyachandra (CAMH)

Michael Joseph (CAMH)

Jason Kai (Western University)

Ariel Rokem (eScience Institute / U of Washington)

Olivia Stanley (Western University)

Jon Haitz Legarreta (Université de Sherbrooke)

Nikhil Parag Bhagwat (McGill University)

P.J. Toussaint (McGill University)

Ben Selby (CAMH)

James Desjardins (Brock University)

Ted Strauss (McGill University)

Michael Dayan (Campus Biotech)

Sara Stephenson (Brock University)

Swapna Premasiri (McGill University)

Patrick Bermudez (McGill University)

Jean-Baptiste Poline (McGill University)