Training Committee
The Training Committee will (i) identify CONP training opportunities, (ii) oversee training and visiting scientist stipend awards, (iii) monitor the training experience and, (iv) foster international training opportunities. The committee will coordinate the embedding of trainees within the scientific milieu of individual CONP sites.
Jane Roskams (Chair), University of British Columbia
Faisal Beg, Simon Fraser University
Celia Greenwoood, McGill University
Ingrid Johnsrude, Western University
Doug Munoz, Queen’s University
Stephen Strother, University of Toronto
David Rotenberg, CAMH
Greg Kiar, McGill University
Paul Pavlidis, University of British Columbia
Julien Doyon, McGill University
Tim Murphy, University British Columbia
James Desjardins, Compute Canada
Mallar Chakravarty, Douglas Mental Health Institute
Technical Steering Committee
Senior software engineers and CONP scientists, engaged in CBRAIN (Glatard), LORIS (Das), Brain-CODE (Strother), MEDICS (Duchesne) development will be responsible for the development of the CONP cyberinfrastructure.
Jean-Baptiste Poline (Chair), McGill University
David Rotenberg, CAMH
Tristan Glatard, Concordia University
Samir Das, McGill University
Simon Duchesne, Université Laval
Shawn Brown, McGill University
David Bujold, McGill University
Ken Evans, INDOC Research
Felipe Henriques, Montreal Heart Institute
Ali Khan, Robarts Research Institute, Western University
Nils Daniel Forkert, University of Calgary
Ethics and Governance Committee
The Ethics and Governance Committee will work to facilitate the sharing of rich imaging, genomic, clinical and phenotypic datasets in a manner that: respects the privacy and expectations of participants; complies with regulatory requirements; and aligns with international best practices for open science data governance.
Ann Cavoukian, Privacy by Design Centre of Excellence, Ryerson University
John Clarkson, Ontario Brain Institute
Jennifer Flynn, Division of Community Health and Humanities, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University
Richard Gold, Faculty of Law, McGill University
Judy Illes, CM, PHD Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine, University of British Columbia.
Bartha Knoppers, Centre of Genomics and Policy, McGill University (Chair)
Roland Nadler, Center for Health Law, Policy & Ethics, University of Ottawa
Walter Stewart, Walter Stewart and Associates
Adrian Thorogood, Centre of Genomics and Policy, McGill University (Manager)
Dylan Roskams-Edris, Invited Scholar, Centre of Genomics and Policy, McGill University (Policy Consultant)
End User Committee
The End User Committee will work with the CONP Steering Committee and all of the CONP working committees to guide CONP priorities and to facilitate data exchange activities. The End User Committee will be a bidirectional vehicle for best practices and data dissemination (main stakeholders reached: health care professional societies, public health authorities, policy makers).
Sean Hill (Chair), CAMH
Ravi Menon, Western Ontario
Patricia Conrod, Centre de recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine
Vesna Sossi, University of British Columbia
Tomas Paus Rotman, Research Institute, Baycrest
Paul Pavlidis, University of British Columbia
Jennifer Tremblay-Mercier, Douglas Mental Health Institute
Natasha Rajah, Douglas Mental Health Institute
Communications Committee
The CONP Communications Committee will support the development of an open environment for scientific discourse such that research objects are supplemented with multimedia content including interviews, videos, and editorials. Diverse content will be distributed via a publishing platform that enables data curation, data and code accessibility, and technical reproducibility.
Communications Committee Members:
Rachel Harding, University of Toronto (Co-chair)
Nikola Stikov, École Polytechnique (Co-chair)
Pierre Bellec, CRIUGM
Damien Chalaud, McGill University
Zoha Deldar, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Maxime Descoteaux, Université de Sherbrooke
Matthieu Dupuis, McGill University
Derek Lo, McGill University
Michelle Ploughman, Memorial University
Committee Representatives
Dylan Roskams-Edris (Ethics and governance committee)
Greg Kiar, McGill University (Training committee)
Stephanie Dyke, McGill University
Catherine Duquette, École Polytechnique
Paolo Vincenzo Leone, McGill University
Estrid Jakobsen, QBIN