Campus Alberta Neuroscience is hosting and supporting several upcoming events and we would greatly appreciate your assistance in distributing this information to any interested parties; please see the images attached. Also, if you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to our mailing list and follow us on Twitter.

2022 Successes in Neuroscience Symposium
Date: March 16, 2022
Description: Although the pandemic has been a challenging time, there are promising innovations in neuroscience and mental health that have emerged that bring us hope for a brighter future. Join CAN for the second iteration of this free, virtual event showcasing researchers from the Universities of Alberta, Calgary and Lethbridge. The symposium will include: innovative and inspiring presentations from Alberta-based researchers, participant engagement in Q&A sessions and round table discussions, and opportunities to network with presenters and collaborators.
Suggested Tweet: Join @ABneurosci for the second iteration of the highly anticipated Successes in Neuroscience Symposium! Showcasing the amazing work in neuroscience and mental health from Albertan researchers. Register today at #SiN2022

Introductory Workshop on Computational Methods in Neuroscience
Dates: May 24 – June 3, 2022
Description: Campus Alberta Neuroscience is pleased to offer its ninth annual Introductory Workshop on Computational Methods in Neuroscience online from May 24 – June 3, 2022. Open to students in Alberta and beyond, the goal of this 11-day workshop is to improve the educational experience of neuroscience trainees and increase access to high-quality training opportunities beyond the boundaries of single institutions. Workshop participants will be provided with introductory instruction on the use of MATLAB, the most common tool for data analysis and visualization in the quantitative sciences. The deadline to apply is March 11, 2022.
Suggested Tweet: The @ABneurosci Introductory Workshop on Computational Methods in Neuroscience is back and applications will be open until March 11, 2022. Visit for full details and register early before the workshop fills up!

Hidden Methods 2022 Conference
Date: April 27, 2022
Description: Have you ever spent a couple of months learning a skill in the lab, only to find that when it comes time to talk about it, it becomes a single sentence in a talk or a manuscript? Do you wish you could talk about it in more detail, because you think it’s really, really cool? The Hidden Methods Conference is a trainee-led one-day human behaviour virtual symposium that focuses on the methods and skills we develop in the lab, but don’t get an opportunity to talk about.
Suggested Tweet: Attend the @hidden_methods conference on Apr 27. This a trainee-led virtual symposium about human behaviour focuses on the methods and skills trainees develop in the lab, but don’t get a chance to talk about. Register and submit your abstract at

Spinal Cord Injury Knowledge Translation Research Competition
Deadline to Apply: April 15, 2022
Description: In partnership with the Alberta Paraplegic Foundation, CAN is pleased to announce the launch of the Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Knowledge Translation Research Competition, designed to support high impact knowledge translation research in the field of spinal cord injury in Alberta to bridge the gap between evidence and practice. Translational research of greatest interest to this competition is multi-disciplinary, multi-method, and involves knowledge to improve the health and quality of live of people living with SCI.
Suggested Tweet: SCI FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: @ABneurosci and the Alberta Paraplegic Foundation have partnered to announce the launch of the Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Knowledge Translation Research Competition. Eligibility and application guidelines available at